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The American Fuel for the American Farm

Today's continuous flow propane-powered grain dryers were designed to meet the needs of modern, fast-paced, high-yield operations. Not only are they up to 50% more efficient, their clean-burning technology produces fewer engine deposits. That's less maintenance for you, and less downtime. And don’t forget irrigation engines and flame weed control. From 2008 to 2013, 25% more farmers added propane irrigation engines to their operations; that's more than 6,000 farms, irrigating 1.1 million acres. And propane-powered flame weed control is growing in popularity because it's an environmentally friendly alternative to herbicides that is equally effective.

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Because propane is a clean, American-made fuel, there are a number of incentives to encourage adoption, both federally and locally. Beck Suppliers customers may be eligible to receive $1,000 toward the purchase of a new propane-powered mower and $500 toward a qualified conversion; and up to $10,000 for the installation of irrigation engines, generators, or heat on the farm; and can advise you on federal tax credits for the use of propane in vehicles. This tax credit was a full 36 cents per gallon in 2016! Think of it as a little bonus for adopting more affordable, cleaner equipment. Contact the Beck Suppliers team to get started.

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For more information on rebates and incentives, you can also visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency®

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