As far as efficiency, propane is the hands-down winner compared to electricity. Propane generates more BTUs (BTUs or ‘British thermal units’ are measurements of energy) than an equivalent amount of electricity, so you need much less propane to produce the same amount of energy. And, today’s clean-burning propane appliances are far more efficient than their electric counterparts. While some might say that electricity has no emissions at the point of use, the true tale is much more startling.
According to a study done by the Energy Information Administration on Greenhouse Gas Climate Change, more than half of the electricity we use in this country is generated at coal-fired plants which produce a whopping 81% of our nation’s CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, the switch to natural gas as a fuel to produce electricity isn’t a much better alternative. Although natural gas combustion produces almost 45% fewer carbon dioxide emissions than coal, emits lower levels of nitrogen oxides and particulates, and produces virtually no sulfur dioxide and mercury emissions, natural gas is composed primarily of methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide when released into the atmosphere.
So, on top of being an environmentally-better fuel, propane gives you far more bang for your energy dollar. Who wouldn’t rather spend their monthly budget on Pizza Fridays, vacation plans, or a present for mom?
Let’s look at water heaters and furnaces as two examples when comparing efficiency and cost savings:
Want to see for yourself? Check out the National Heating Energy Cost and Carbon Calculators for both water heaters and furnaces.